Be Nebby - Second Edition - The New Pittsburgh Exposition Podcast

Doors Open Pittsburgh has seen more than 22 thousand people attend their many events of neighborhood, destination, and boat tours, throughout the city of Pittsburgh, since its inception in 2016. Bonnie Baxter, Doors Open’s founder, had no previous event planning experience, so how was she able to achieve such success, and how does she keep bringing people back for more? We talk to Bonnie to find out, and we talk to Doors Open Pittsburgh tour guide Todd Wilson, and Doors Open volunteer Christine Montgomery to find out how Bonnie’s vision and work created opportunities for them to live their passions. Discover how passions collide on this edition of The New Pittsburgh Exposition.

Below are a few pictures from a Doors Open Pittsburgh boat tour. The next boat tour is Saturday September 16th and the next neighborhood event, in Pittsburgh’s South Side, will be on September 23rd. You can get tickets at

Follow Christine Montgomery on instagram at @redhead15014 and Todd Wilson on instagram @pghbridges to view their photography.

Todd Wilson’s book, Pittsburgh’s Bridges can be found below.

Click here to learn more about The New Pittsburgh Exposition Podcast and the Pittsburgh Expositions of old.

Doors Open staff and volunteers meet Brian (second from right) including Bonnie Baxter (right), Christine Montgomery (left), and Todd Wilson (second from left)


EXTRA! Todd Wilson Full Interview


Another Wonderful Life - First Edition - The New Pittsburgh Exposition Podcast